Monday, October 6, 2008

PeEk-A-bOO with cash

Cashis' favorite game is peek-a-boo!! He totally discovered this game on his own when he was like 3 months old. He grabs a blanket or burp cloth or anything that will work and pulls it up over his entire face. Then he flails his arms and kicks his feet and his breathing gets out of control- almost like he's about to drown- i know this sounds horrible! But then when you pull the blanket off his beautiful little face appears with the biggest grin and the cutest giggle! The first time he did this I freaked out, but then I slowly realized as it became an everyday occurrence that it was his game. He loves it and can occupy himself with this silly little game for awhile! One time I awoke to a strange muffled sound coming from the monitor by my bed. It was like 2 a.m. so i ran into to check on Cash and sure enough he had pulled his blankie over his face and was waiting to be found! I pulled it back and there was that precious smile and heavenly giggle! What a funny kid he is already....
Cash before he is found hiding under his blanket...

and now he's found!!

my little peek-a-boo baby!!

1 comment:

Tiffanie and Jeff Bodine said...

Absolutely adorable! Kalani loves peekaboo also, but never did anything so silly with the game! I'm so glad I found your blog & we can keep in touch better now, I love blogspot! You'll find Cherity (Grimmer) and also Josie (Grimmer) and also Renee (Grimmer) on my blogroll. ((Hugs))